About Us

Pouresh International Business group was founded in 2002 with the purpose of investing, creating job opportunities and wisely cooperating in commercial, business and production projects to reach its sacred mission which is comprehensive development of our beloved country Iran, in Kish Island. Pouresh group’s professional colleagues and prestigious offices in USA, Russia, China, India, UAE, TURKIYE and Republic of Azerbaijan are accompanied with us. Honest service providing beside creating mutual benefits for our customers, colleagues and shareholders is blueprint of our work.

The extensive range of our international offices in the world's strategic business locations and their potentials enable our specialized team to provide cooperative circumstances for import and export of all specialized production machinery and commodities

Beside various import and export projects, our specialist team concentrates on fundraising to allocate in progress industrial and production projects such as: food industry, masonry stone, leather and salambore

In this sector, our strategic goal is Sharing our experiences to Iranian entrepreneurs. In this thrilling way, we are committed to accompany our clients from the beginning step of business establishment to the last day of their business success.

Sport and Society
Pouresh cultural and sport club is a goal which aim beloved Iranians’' young and teenagers to provide greater attendance opportunity in International and domestic sport venues. By Pouresh support home establishment, we will achieve the proud honor of serving orphans from infancy to college graduation, a sacred goal for ourselves.

SYBA International trading company
SYBA co was founded in 2005 and it was the first company who joint to Pouresh International Business group. The head quarter of SIBA is recognized as Pouresh’s Tehran office. www.syba.ir
Our international partners